The 5 Big Mistakes Made During Proposals: Discover Them - and Avoid Them!

Getting married is one of the most romantic and memorable moments of your life. Because of the great expectations and nerves surrounding this moment, make sure you read our guide on what NOT to do! Make your proposal perfect!

  • The proposal
  • Advice
  • Recomendations
  • Bridal couple

Getting engaged is one of the moments in your life that you will never forget – it has an unprecedented importance for your relationship, and as a result is has to be unique, romantic, and totally special. You could decide to ask over a romantic meal at your favourite restaurant, or risk it with a bold and unexpected proposal. Either of these options would work, as long as you bear in mind that there are certain things you should definitely avoid – things that will turn your perfect proposal into a dating disaster! So to make sure that the reaction is an enthusiastic and unforgettable “yes, of course!“, read on!

Credits: Alex Beckett Photography

1. Not preparing


This is one of the worst mistakes that you can make before asking your partner to marry you. This moment requires a certain level of preparation, so that you don’t squander your chance with a hurried or rushed proposal. Before proposing, you need to choose the ring, and make sure that it is the right size for your partner – and in the case that it isn’t quite ready, find something to use in its place. Also, like with all important moments in your relationship, you should try and choose a special date, whilst avoiding the common ones like Valentine’s Day. Also, be prepared to delay it if there is a drama – either personal, or in the place where you live. And on top of all of this? You need to prep what you’re going to say!

Credits: Emma Jane Photography

2. Not thinking about how you will ask

You might think your love is strong enough that you can just wing it. You can’t. Nerves betray all of us at some point, and you don’t want it to be now! The words “Will you marry me?” can be difficult to get out at this tense moment, especially if you’re feeling a little shaky. As a result, you should think long and hard on what you want to say – think about your relationship so far, and speak from the heart. Read our tips on how to write your vows for some inspiration on what you can say at this critical juncture!

Credits: Elianos Photography

3. Not thinking about your partner

If you love football and your partner doesn’t, proposing at a football match – even if you’ve snagged tickets to watch it live at the stadium – is a BAD idea. If they are shy, or do not like being the centre of attention, then proposing during a concert, with the use of a flashmob, or at a public event is a WORSE idea. For a perfect proposal, you have to be completely selfless and think about what the other person would want. Getting married might be about the rest of your lives, but this moment has to be for them.

Credits: Elianos Photography

4. Copying ideas from the internet

The internet might have once been a great tool for mankind, but it has slowly been becoming a nightmare! Out there are a million ideas for proposals – from sweet, intimate proposals to the most outlandish and mind-boggling events. But whilst these might be very entertaining to watch, be cautious about copying them. A lot of the time they will bamboozle your partner instead of endearing them – and on top of this, you want your proposal to be unique! Don’t mimic a proposal you have both seen, because it will detract from how special this moment is.

saveFoto: Julian Bermudez Photographer
Photo: Julián Bermúdez Photographer

5. Talking about it too much

If all of your friends and family know your intentions, it is more than likely that someone will accidentally spill and your partner will find out that you are planning to ask them to marry you. As a result, if you need help or advice, choose us (hey!) or someone who is not close to your partner. If you do this, you can count on the surprise factor, and ensure that this moment is magical. Of course, we recommend that if their family is traditional, you ask permission from their parents to propose!

Credits: Alex Beckett Photography

If you’re getting ready to propose – Christmas and New Year are two of the biggest times of year, after all! – make sure you follow our advice, and make the moment when you pop the question totally unforgettable (in a good way!). We wish you the best of luck! 


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